2″ pot.. We have a big variety of hybrids and species that are on the small side, not yet ready for prime time. They just need a little TLC to thrive and grow larger. Many of these started out their life asĀ “preemies” from flasks or compots, and some are just not too thrilled by our greenhouse conditions, especially the cool temperatures in the winter. They are well-established and healthy, and should take off with just a little more pampering than we can give them. If you’re patient and willing to cheer these little plants along on their journey, you may end up with some excellent orchids. Our choice of plant, but we will try to gauge your tastes and send the best and/or most unusual.
Geneva (verified owner) –
In my notes section at checkout I mentioned that I enjoyed Brassavolas and their hybrids and received Not One, Not Two, but THREE separate Brassavola hybrids (out of 4 Bitties ordered)! I was so amazed and happy, thanks for whoever picked them out for me! I got a beautiful little cattleya as well, can’t wait to see it grow.
I received:
Bl. Yellow Bird
Bl. Morning Glory x CTT Gold Digger
B. Nodosa x C Summer Spot
C. Summer Spot x Lulu